3 etapas para personalizar sua máquina de garra comercial

Customizing your commercial claw machine is a great way to make your arcade stand out and enhance the player experience. From exterior design to gameplay modes and payment options, the possibilities are nearly endless. Here’s a breakdown of the customizable...

Customizing your commercial claw machine is a great way to make your arcade stand out and enhance the player experience. From exterior design to gameplay modes and payment options, the possibilities are nearly endless. Here’s a breakdown of the customizable parts you can modify to create a unique machine.

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Exterior Design

Complete the design according to your ideas

You have full control over the exterior look of your máquina de garras. From bold, flashy designs to more subdued, minimalistic styles, you can align the machine’s appearance with your brand or venue theme.

Customized Logo

Make your mark by incorporating your logo prominently on the machine, giving your brand more visibility and creating a consistent look throughout your arcade.

Padrão de fundo

Customize the background pattern to match your logo or venue’s aesthetic. It’s a subtle yet impactful way to enhance the visual appeal.

Exterior Stickers

Exterior stickers can be changed or customized to feature themed elements, brand slogans, or other design features, making each machine stand out.

Luz ambiente

By adding ambient lighting, you can create a more immersive atmosphere. This is especially effective in dimly lit areas, helping to draw attention and enhance the overall player experience.

Streaming Light

Synchronize streaming lights across multiple devices for a cohesive effect, or create individual displays that dazzle and engage players.

Award-winning flash

Lights that flash during wins can add excitement to gameplay, offering immediate visual feedback that enhances the thrill of winning.

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Gameplay Customization

Multiple modes, flexible switching

Offer various gameplay modes, giving players the chance to experience different challenges, which keeps them engaged for longer. Switching between modes easily adds versatility to your machine.

1 out of N times

Adjust the odds of winning so players can enjoy a fair challenge, while you maintain control over payout frequency.

Taxa dinâmica de vitórias

Tailor the winning rate to meet your business needs. You can increase or decrease the odds dynamically, keeping players intrigued.

Ajuste da força da garra

Control the strength of the claw, allowing it to either grip the prize firmly or offer a lighter challenge. Fine-tuning the claw strength can directly impact the game’s difficulty level.

Métodos de pagamento

Providing multiple payment options ensures convenience for your customers and helps attract a broader audience.

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Claw machine coin acceptor

Coins (currency, tokens)

Traditional coin or token-operated machines are still popular in many regions. Customize the machine to accept various currencies or arcade-specific tokens.

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Claw machine banknote acceptor

Paper money (multi-currency)

Make it easier for customers by accepting bills in multiple currencies, perfect for venues with international visitors.

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claw machine credit card

Proximity card(Credit Card)

For a contactless experience, integrate proximity card readers. This makes it easier for frequent players and members to play without handling physical money.


Customizing a commercial claw machine significantly enhances its appeal and player engagement by allowing for tailored exterior designs, diverse gameplay modes, and flexible payment options. This level of personalization not only aligns the machine with the brand’s identity but also creates a more immersive and enjoyable experience for players.

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